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Man of the Match -Jelani Watson Gayle

MAN OF THE MATCH-POWERED BY 5KIND Only gone and grabbed the man of the match award for todays game vs Newcastle Falcons....well done Jelani...powered by 5KIND..

Do anti cellulite creams work?

As the new year gets underway many people will be turning their attention to holiday plans for the coming twelve months. There’s nothing better to get you through the cold, dark, winter days than to...

Bristol Flyer Basketball Star-Jelani Watson Gayle

Jelani Watson Gayle-star player at Bristol Flyers Basketball team, will be playing the BBL cup semi-final vs the London Lions, this coming Monday. 5kind sponsors Jelani, so we wish him and the team all the...

Christmas shopping for fitness enthusiasts? Try our extra strong hemp cream

If you are looking for Christmas gifts for the fitness enthusiast in your family or circle of friends, you've come to the right place. At 5kind we supply our massage gels and creams to help...

Is your joint pain worse in winter? Try our natural pain relief gel

As we head into the colder months, it isn’t only the weather that can get worse. If you find that your joint pain is heightened in winter, you are not alone. It is known that...

Olympians Love It Down Under

Here is our friend Casey, ex-olympian Nordic skier in Australia, is a big fan of the 5kind massage creams. Nordic skiing is one of the toughest sports to train for and puts lots of strain...

Hemp Active Gel is a Winner in Iceland

With the winter months now upon us, with the temperature dropping steadily, its time to reach for those lovely hemp gels and creams. To massage and relax your muscles and joints after a long day...

6 surprising benefits of our vitamin D3 capsules

You might think you’re getting enough vitamin D from the sun at this time of year, but vitamin D deficiency is really common. Between April and the end of September, most people in the UK...

Hemp gel or extra strong hemp cream: which one is right for you?

If you’ve got stiff, swollen or aching joints, or tired muscles, you’ve come to the right place. Our 5kind range of natural therapy hemp products have been designed to provide fast acting relief, enabling you...